EPIPHANY As the night sky glistens with the brilliance of countless stars, we are drawn to the story of the magi, following a star to worship the Light of the World. Matthew 2:1-12 recounts their...
Christmas In the quiet of this holy night, we gather to celebrate the coming of the Light of the World, a beacon of hope in our waiting hearts. Isaiah 9:2-7 foretells the birth of a child, a son given...
Advent – Love In this sacred season of Advent, as we gather in hushed reverence, we are reminded that love is at the heart of it all. Psalm 89:1-4 calls us to sing of the steadfast love of the...
Advent – Joy In the tender embrace of Advent, we find ourselves on the cusp of a wondrous journey. Like the first light of dawn, joy begins to illuminate our hearts. In Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, we...
Advent – Peace In the quiet moments of Advent, we find ourselves in the wilderness, where the hustle and bustle of the world begins to fade away. It’s here, in this sacred space, that we...
Advent – Hope In a world filled with uncertainty and darkness, we find ourselves journeying through the season of Advent. This sacred time of waiting and anticipation reminds us of the profound...