Ordinary Time: Mark Throughout our lives, there are seasons that unfold with unexpected grace, where the Father, Son, and Spirit gently surprise us amid the ordinary rhythms of life. After the sending...
Trinity Sunday In the beginning, in the quiet echoes of eternity, there existed a divine dance— a dance of love, unity, and perfection. Today, on Trinity Sunday, we embark on a journey to marvel at...
Pentecost Today we gather with hearts ablaze, commemorating a momentous occasion that resonates through the ages— we gather to honor Pentecost, a day that marked a new beginning. It is a day when...
Ascension Sunday There is a moment that echoes through eternity, a moment when the servant became the sovereign, the humble rose to the throne. Welcome to this sacred celebration of Ascension Sunday....
In the quiet embrace of dawn, the world stirs with a promise of new life. As the sun’s first rays cast aside the shadows of the night, we are reminded of a profound truth – that the...
There are moments in life that bridge the realms of what was and what will be. Places of transition, a threshold between what was and what will be. This is the liminal space, where the old fades away,...
Love, a force both gentle and mighty, has the extraordinary power to transform hearts and souls. It is a beacon of light that guides us through the darkest of storms, a force that reshapes us and the...
In the midst of the changing seasons, when the world comes alive with the promise of renewal, we gather together to commemorate Palm Sunday. Today, the first day of Holy Week, we turn our hearts and...
In this season of Epiphany, we’ve seen the light of the world shining brighter, guiding us through the darkness. We’ve met the prince of peace, who brings calm to our turbulent lives. With...