The Bible: Guided Tour of the Bible

A BibleMost Americans have a Bible, but many have never read it. Perhaps they started to read it, but gave up after reading a few chapters.

Why? Maybe because the Bible seems to be such an intimidating book. It even looks difficult to read, with its hundreds of pages of small type and old-fashioned, hard-to-understand language. This makes it seem dignified, but imposing and not very “user-friendly.”

This series of articles is designed to help you explore the Bible and see for yourself what it is like, what it is about and how you can learn to use it.

Ironically, many people respect the Bible even if they aren’t religious. Some feel more obliged to tell the truth if they’ve sworn on a Bible. Some are reluctant to ever throw away a Bible.

The Bible is still a best-seller. Millions of copies are distributed every year in hundreds of different languages. It’s a book we keep but don’t read, one we often quote but don’t understand, one we say we love but don’t really like.

man reading the BibleIt may be the “good Book,” but what is it good for?

Even many religious people know only a few famous passages, like the Ten Commandments, the “Lord’s Prayer” and the “Sermon on the Mount.” They have only a vague idea of what the rest of the Bible is about. They may know some of the stories, like the one about Noah and the Ark, or Abraham sacrificing Isaac, or Samson and Delilah, or David and Goliath. They’ve heard of Moses, Elijah, Paul and the scribes and Pharisees. But where — and how — do they all fit together? Or do they?

This series of articles is designed to help you explore the Bible and see for yourself what it is like, what it is about and how you can learn to use it.

How do you begin to discover what it is all about?

A good way to feel at home in unfamiliar territory is to take a guided tour. The guide can show you around, answer questions and point out interesting things along the way. You soon get an overview that helps put everything in perspective.

Copyright 1991

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Author: John Halford

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