GCI: GCI Churches and Work in Western, Central, and Eastern Africa
Over 6,000 members meet in 159 congregations in 28 nations.
Kalengule Kaoma, a native of Zambia, is National Director for Zambia and GCI Missions Director for much of Africa. Over the past several years the number of refugees in Africa has increased tremendously. Of the many congregations we have in this region, two are composed mainly of refugees – one in Nairobi, Kenya, and another in Kakuma, in the north of Kenya near the Sudan. Many of the refugees are Congolese, Rwandese, or Burundian. Some in Kakuma are Sudanese or Ethiopian, and in Kakuma we have a number of members who are hearing impaired. The refugee members have many needs, both physical and spiritual. We have supplied a number of them with Bibles, and have also tried to set up some self-help projects, as well as supplying food as direct assistance.
Malawi is often described as the “warm heart” of Africa, and is certainly a beautiful and friendly place. However, the country has not had good rains at the right seasons for several years; there have been food shortages and near famine conditions. Various churches in the developed world supported a fund that assisted 35 families with food for a period of around six months during the worst of the crisis. In addition, land and seeds were purchased in order to plant crops for the end of the crisis. This initiative resulted in a bumper harvest for our members in need. Also, some years ago the Blantyre church planted a small church called Minimini on the slopes of Mount Mulanje. This church is located in a tea plantation, and now has around 70 in attendance. A literacy program has been established to help particularly women to learn how to read.
To find out contact information for pastors in various nations, please refer to our websites, or write to one of the offices listed below:
South Africa
P.O. Box 9617, Kotoka Int. Airport, Accra
P.O. Box 47135, 00100 GPO Nairobi
E-mail: anthony.gachanja@gci.org
P.O. Box 517, Blantyre
Box 888, Port Louis
P.M.B. 21006, Ikeja, Lagos State
South Africa:
Johannesburg, South Africa
Telephone: 27 (0)11 886 3131
FAX: 27 (0)11 886 3216
Or see their website: South Africa
+ 228-22 223 896; + 228-90 208 497;
+ 228-99 574 713
P.O. Box 50117, Lusaka
62 Clark Road, Suburbs
+263772 677 207; +263712 868 096
In Madagascar, we have been helping kids from poor families for many years. With our two congregations (Antananarivo and Antsirabe), we are offering spiritual education, scholar kits, protein complementary food every two weeks and some educational activities for about 70- 80 kids between 2 and 13 years old.
Oliveira Kitambala and his wife are beginning a school project for orphans and street children just outside war-torn Luanda. Details are still being obtained.
The church is active in most nations of sub-Saharan Africa.
As you can probably appreciate, our Missions Directors take seriously the unique characteristics of the cultural and historical context in which they have to minister within the realities of their regions. We hope that this information has broadened your overview of the international work. There is still so much to do. We appreciate your regular and fervent prayers that God will inspire and uplift our MDs as they respond to the Holy Spirit, that God will bless and protect the many fellow laborers scattered throughout the world, and send even more laborers into his harvest.
Our mission outside the United States is funded in three ways. The first is through the donations of members in the various countries in which we work. The majority of mission work being done is being funded through this means. The second category is money that comes out of the denominational apportionment of the contributions received in U.S. local churches, and the third source is from individual or congregational donations that are in addition to the funds made available from the denominational apportionment. Missions Directors and some additional mission expenses incurred at the denominational offices are funded from this denominational apportionment.
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Main Contact Person:
Jamela Mpofu (National Director)
+263772 677 207; +263712868096
Main Office:
62 Clark Road, Suburbs
Active Ministries:
Women’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
Right: Part of the women’s ministry choir singing at the annual conference
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National Director: Pastor Daniel A. Yovo
+ 228-22 223 896; + 228-90 208 497; + 228-99 574 713
Deputy National Director: Pastor Koffi Gone
+ 228-91230648
Community Project: Health Centre under construction. When complete, the centre will provide primary health care, maternity, laboratory and pharmacy services. Main construction is almost complete. Clinic Furniture and laboratory equipment are major needs for the opening of the centre.