The Gospel According to Paul: A Bible Study

Paul’s letters are written to people who are already Christians. He is not preaching to them, but he sometimes describes what he preached, and he says that the gospel has something to say about what we do after we come to faith. We will survey his letters to see what he says is the center of the Christian message. Paul’s letter to...


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    Chapter 2 of Good News for Ordinary People The book of Acts shows a dramatic change in the disciples. No more questions, no more doubts, no more...
    God is powerful, and he is good. He always uses his enormous power to further his promise of love and grace toward his people. He is gentle, loving,...
    Perhaps it seems obvious to anyone who reads the New Testament: the message is about Jesus, about how we are saved by what he did. The gospel tells us...
    Peter, the fisherman-disciple, embarked on a lifetime journey with Jesus Christ. We can do the same.   Their small fishing boat was being...

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