Executive leadership
Dr. Greg Williams

Greg & Susan Williams
Greg Williams’ became GCI President in October 2018. Greg completed his doctorate of ministry from DrewUniversity in May 2014. Greg currently serves on the Grace Communion International Board of Directors. As well as the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Board of Directors. Founded in 1942, the National Association of Evangelicals seeks to honor God by connecting and representing evangelical Christians in the United States. It represents more than 45,000 local churches from 40 different denominations and serves a constituency of millions.
His pastoral ministry within GCI launched in 1986 when he was ordained, with his wife Susan by his side. Together they faithfully served our fellowship and raised their three sons: Glenn, Garrett and Gatlin. After raising three boys, Susan was pleased to add female voices and input to the family when the boys married—Glenn to Crystal, Garrett to Marlo, and Gatlin to Erin. Greg and Susan are now grandparents to Emory, Everett, and twin brother and sister Braxton and Ellison.
When asked about his most memorable moments as a pastor, Greg spoke about his family. “As a family man, I’ve always taken seriously the scriptural teaching of Paul for an elder to manage well his home if he or she is going to manage one of the churches of God. My marriage is not perfect and neither are my children, but by the grace of God we have been deeply blessed and experience incredible love within our family circle. My most memorable moments were the privileged times when I baptized my three sons and experienced the pride and sense of release as I handed each of them over to the eternal care of their heavenly Father.”
In looking back, Greg says he realizes his preparation for his current role has been a learning process through a variety of leadership roles throughout his career. Within GCI Greg has served as a Pastor, a Festival Coordinator, GenMin National Coordinator, Intern Program Coordinator, and Regional Pastor. In addition, for 10 years Greg worked with Youth for Christ, which is an international para-church youth ministry organization. Greg expressed the value of that experience, “I was exposed to cross-denominational ministry and was actively engaged in youth evangelism. I remained connected to and active in GCI during that time, however, I gained rich experience that helped shape me for the roles I am now filling in GCI.” Greg’s knowledge has been deepened educationally, as well as earning a B.A. from Ambassador College, M.A. from Liberty University, and D. Min from Drew University, centering his thesis on cultivating interns for Christian ministry.
One of Greg’s strengths as a pastor was in mentoring young leaders. Many current GCI elders, ministry leaders, and senior pastors have been personally mentored by Greg. The development of Journey with the Master, a curriculum created to help Young Adults identify their gifts and discern their calling, and formalizing GCI’s internship program, further evidence his passion for incarnational ministry. This commitment to raising up leaders ties in with what Greg enjoys most about being a ministry leader. “I enjoy seeing people coming alive in Jesus and then seeing how they blossom in that growing relationship. There is nothing more enjoyable than being in community with people who know Jesus and are growing in his amazing grace and knowledge.”
When asked what he enjoys most about being part of GCI, Greg said, “The national and international relationships of some of the most interesting, loving and diverse people across God’s green earth. As Joseph Tkach Sr. often said, ‘We are family!’ And I love the GCI family.” Greg’s value of relationship and community shapes his leadership style “I refuse to engage in the mission Jesus has given us apart from the company of others, and I am pleased with the amazing people that God has placed on our team.
Greg’s strongest voice is that of a Pioneer and he is working hard to align our leaders around the globe into structures and systems that position GCI to become the very best expression of the church of Jesus Christ they can be. This vision for GCI is summed up in the short statement “Healthy Church.”
Chief Financial Officer
Rose Hamrick
Rose Marie Hamrick is a native South Carolinian. She grew up in the fellowship that has transformed to be Grace Communion International. She grew up working in her family business which taught her a strong work ethic. Rose has served GCI as an elder since 2015 and previously served as a deaconess since 2007. She has been privileged to serve her local congregation as treasurer and various leadership roles. This is where she developed her love for serving others. Rose earned a Master of Science degree in Business Management from Southern Wesleyan University. She is an administrative management professional with a 25-year career in a corporate environment. Rose’s experience is both broad and Rose Hamrick varied in office, budget, project and facilities management, financial
reporting, business development, human resources, payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, marketing, legal and real estate experience. This is where she developed her business acumen. Rose’s family includes her two adult children (a son and daughter), a daughter-in-law and three beautiful grandsons. She enjoys reading, spending time with family and traveling. Rose has a heart for service. She enjoys serving GCI in support of the Gospel of Jesus in her role as Chief Financial Officer of Grace Communion International.
Board of Directors
Board Chairman
Dr. Randy Bloom

Randy & Debbie Bloom
Dr. Randy Bloom has served as Chair of the GCI Board since 2021, and previously served as Vice Chair. He has served as an elder in GCI since 1976. He graduated from Ambassador College in 1975. After several years in sales he entered fulltime ministry. He served as associate pastor in Atlanta, GA, and as senior pastor for churches in Somerset, KY, Syracuse and Utica, NY, and Memphis and Jackson, TN. In 1999, he began serving as district superintendent for the GCI Central District when he also started Church Multiplications Ministries. He currently teaches classes for Grace Communion Seminary. Randy earned a Master of Arts in religion and Master of Divinity degrees from Liberty University, and a Doctor of Biblical Leadership and Ministry from Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary. Through his 50-plus year journey with GCI, he has shared in the Spirit’s transformational work, personally and corporately, and enjoys helping pastors lead congregations to grow in Christ as healthy expressions of the church – moving beyond the parameters of established, comfortable forms of church life into the exciting, though challenging, life of missional living with Jesus. Randy enjoys reading theology, his presidential biography collection, history and espionage novels. He collects classic rock vinyl records and enjoys the great outdoors. He and his wife Debbie live in Memphis, TN. They have children and grandchildren in Chicago, IL and Austin, TX.
Board Vice-Chairman
Tommie Lee Grant, Jr.

Tommie & Robin Grant
Tommie started attending the Worldwide Church with his parents in 1968 when he was just a preschooler. As a youth, he enjoyed the activities of the Y.O.U, which helped him to stay focused and interested in “church”. As a young adult Tommie was heavily involved in working with youth and coaching in Y.O.U. He has always enjoyed being part of the choir and was selected to serve as worship leader. During the beginning years of transitioning from legalism to embracing Grace, the biggest impact that helped free his inner-battles was the Holy Spirit opening his mind to the undeniable fact that his real rest was not ON a day (Saturday), but IN Jesus. That’s when his life began to be more about a relationship than the thought of what he needed to do to “get in”. In his local congregation, Tommie has served as choir director, worship leader, treasurer, deacon, advisory council, and pastor. After graduating with a degree in computer programing in 1984, Tommie ironically started working in retail until he would be able to find a “real” job working in the field of his degree. After leaving the company for a short while, he returned and has been working with the company in different levels for over 32 years where he now serves as general manager. Tommie has been married to his wonderful and very supportive wife, Robin, for over 20 years. They are a beautiful blended family of 4 children, (3 boys and 1 daughter). Tommie has found it an absolute blessing to be a part of and serve the congregation and the community in which he lives, works, and worships. Acknowledging that God is in control is not a cliché but very real and an affirmation that re-energizes him to embrace the grace that has been so lovingly bestowed upon us.
Chip Brockmeier

Chip Brockmeier
Chip Brockmeier started attending the Worldwide Church of God with his parents in 1972 when he was in elementary school. As a youth he enjoyed various activities in Y.O.U. such as basketball, campouts, and trips that helped him develop into a young man. He graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in Economics and Foreign Affairs. He began his career in the financial services industry in 1986 and married his wife Gilda in 1988. He was ordained a deacon in 1992, an elder in 1999, and an associate pastor in 2004. He has served in a variety of roles over the years including choir, sound system, treasurer, and advisory council. Chip and Gilda have two children and they currently serve in the Grace Communion Hanover, VA, congregation. Chip has always felt loved by the Father, Son, and Spirit and felt loved by the brethren in GCI and wants to share that love and fellowship with others
Philip Doele

Philip Doele
Philip Doele is the Facilitator of Grace Communion Decatur and serves on GCI’s Advisory Board for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. He completed a B.S. in Architecture at the University of Virginia and began attending WCG in the Central London congregation. Returning to the U.S. for his Master of Architecture degree at Yale University, Phil was baptized in Connecticut and later ordained a deacon serving the New Haven WCG congregation. He relocated to Atlanta where he had met his wife, Esther. After serving in a residential urban ministry for their first few years of marriage, they began to focus on raising their two daughters. Ordained an elder in 2010, Phil has actively served with Esther and their daughters in the east side Atlanta congregation that is now GC Decatur while continuing to practice architecture. In his first sermon in December 2007, Phil was excited to share insights from Athanasius’ On the Incarnation and has been enthusiastically in sync with GCI’s renewal in Christ-centered, Incarnational, Trinitarian Theology since that time, recently completing his first GCS course in Theology. Phil has always felt called to the ministry of reconciliation and continues to seek ways of building cultural bridges where the Spirit leads.
Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson
Rebecca Johnson, née Davison, is a third-generation member of the denomination. She grew up in central Indiana and attended Ambassador College in Big Sandy, Texas graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 1992. Rebecca married Dara Johnson in 1994, settling in west Georgia.
Rebecca has been an active member of her local congregations as a Sunday School teacher, Social Ministry coordinator, and worship leader. In 2018, she was named to the Pastoral Team, which also included Dara, that led their congregation through the full-time pastor’s relocation, the sale of the church’s building, and the church’s move and renaming to Grace Communion Tallapoosa. Rebecca was ordained as GCI elder in August of 2021. Dara worked alongside Rebecca as the worked to make a community presence while serving an aging and spread-out membership. Grace Communion Tallapoosa was closed in the Spring of 2024 though Rebecca continues to serve as elder emeritus.
Rebecca and Dara’s family includes their daughter Kaitlin and her husband Jake, their nieces Amber and Brittany, and their son Ethan and his fiancée Sarah.
Rebecca is most grateful for the grace and love of our Triune God who has been a constant presence through personal and denominational ups and downs. Learning more and more about the constant and consistent love relationship of the Father, Son, and Spirit has been so transformational. Given who God is, she is confident there are more amazing things ahead.
Heber Ticas

Heber & Xochilt Ticas
Heber Ticas has served the local church and the greater body in multiple ways. He has served in youth ministry, worship ministry, as an assistant pastor, and as a senior pastor. He was ordained in 1999 and has since served his local congregation in Sun Valley, CA, in the role of senior pastor. Since joining GCI in 2003, Heber has served the church with passion and dedication. Although he is a pastor at heart, he is passionate for the multiplication of new churches and for the revitalization of existing churches. He has been a church planter and has participated in starting and revitalizing several churches. Heber longs to see abundant and healthy church multiplication take place in GCI. With his passion and experience in church multiplication, Heber has served GCI-USA as the National Coordinator for Church Multiplication and he is currently serving as the Superintendent of Latin America.
In addition to pastoral work, Heber has worked in the mortgage banking industry for 30 years as a mortgage loan originator and most recently as an account executive. Heber is a self-starter and a self-learner. His pioneering spirt has been visible in his real estate development endeavors and in the starting of an escrow company in California. His entrepreneurial skills have permeated both ministry and the business world. Heber is currently finishing his Master of Theological Studies at Grace Communion Seminary. He has been married to his soulmate Xochilt for 29 years. They have three children and reside in Santa Clarita, CA.
Dr. Greg Williams

Greg & Susan Williams
Greg Williams became GCI President in October 2018. His pastoral ministry within GCI launched in 1986 when he was ordained, with his wife Susan by his side. Together they faithfully served our fellowship and raised their three sons: Glenn, Garrett, and Gatlin. After raising three boys, Susan was pleased to add female voices and input to the family when the twins married—Glenn to Crystal and Garrett to Marlo. Greg and Susan are now grandparents to Emory and brother Everett, along with twin brother and sister Braxton and Ellison.
When asked about his most memorable moments as a pastor, Greg spoke about his family. “As a family man, I’ve always taken seriously the scriptural teaching of Paul for an elder to manage well his home if he or she is going to manage one of the churches of God. My marriage is not perfect, and neither are my children, but by the grace of God we have been deeply blessed and experience incredible love within our family circle. My most memorable moments were the privileged times when I baptized my three sons and experienced the pride and sense of release as I handed each of them over to the eternal care of their heavenly Father.”
Pastoral Leadership
Our churches operate under a team-based and pastor- led model that reflects the God we believe in. The Father does nothing without the Son, and the Spirit, and vice versa.
This system is one of protection and growth. A team creates a network of checks and balances, a wide array of gifting, and the critical ability to share burdens and workload. Being pastor-led provides clarity, direction, and focused effort that unites the team as they strive to live and share the gospel. The power of the team is greater capacity and the beautiful experience of the body working together. The power of the pastor is oversight of the vision and the purpose of the local church.
Just as teams within congregations are led by pastors, GCI pastors are provided oversight from a regionally-based supervisor called a Regional Director. The Regional Director is a field representative of a greater home office team that provides operational services including ecclesiastical oversight, developmental training, and legal and human resource support. We strive to be a source of encouragement, supervision and cooperation and to reflect the servant-leadership qualities of Jesus.
We find the combination of team-based and pastor-led to be in alignment with the scriptures and we have experienced this style to be God-honoring in the mutual giving and receiving that happens within the day to day life of the church. We recognize Jesus as the living head of the church and as we seek his will through the group processes of prayer and discussion our goal is to always arrive at the conclusion that “this seems good to the Holy Spirit and us.”
Home Office Staff
At our organization’s home office, a team of devoted staff carries out support roles for our local leaders and congregations, all around the world.